TOP 100 Best cat GIFs & kitten GIFs

Art Cat GIF • Affectionate cat hugging and kissing her human. I love you this much, do you understand my beloved Mom?
Affectionate 💕 cat hugging
and kissing her beloved human.
(4 GIFs)

Amazing, rare and beautiful chimera cat with 2 inverted colors (head, eyes and body)
Unique chimera cat with
2 inverted colors
(head, eyes and body!)

Cute and funny kitten making air biscuits and doing Jazz paws at the same time!
Funny kitten making air biscuits
and doing Jazz paws 🐾
at the same time! 💗

Amazing 'Zorro the cat' gives a bath to his Mini-me
Amazing 'Zorro the cat' giving
a bath 👅 to his cute Mini-me

Funny and curious cat flabbergasted by tiny baby's pigtails!
Curious cat flabbergasted
by tiny baby's pigtails! 👀

Funny Meercat standing on Mom's back: ”Hmm, I sense danger in the street”
Funny Meercat standing
on Mom's back (danger
in the street?)

Funny cat - Impressive black Maine coon looks like Batman! impressive cat looks like batman
Impressive black Maine Coon looks like Batman face!

Proof that cat can make biscuits and boobs as well!
Proof that cats can make 🐾
biscuits and boobs as well!

Lazy cat chilling on his luxurious couch: please do not disturb!
Rich and lazy cat chilling
on his luxurious couch

Funny cat. My cat follows me everywhere and anywhere I go
Most cats are independent,but
but my cat follows me everywhere

Funny cat. Watch my white cat, so creative with hydration 💦Unusual and acrobatic water-drinking technique!
That cat has an unusual & acrobatic
water-drinking technique, haha!” 👍

Cute cats. Romeow and his Juliet napping together ► Purr love!
Romeow and his Juliet napping
together ► Purr love! 💜 💛

Proof that *sometimes* it's possible to work from home with cats 💞 (#4)
Proof that *sometimes*
it's possible to work
from home with your cat

Funny Orange cat spying on neighbor's Cats from his green fort!
Orange cat inside his fort 🌳
spying 👀 on neighbor's cats!

“WHAAAT?  Sorry human, your scooter is mine and it's my fav bed!”
Sorry human, your scooter 🛵
is my favorite bed!” 🛏

Smart cat “Go home kitty, get in the car & in your travel box, quickly!”
C'mon kitty, get in the car and
close your travel box door!

Hmm... The ART and the Artist in the kitchen. RIP + paper roll +
The ART and the Artist in the
the kitchen. RIP + paper roll

When your funny cat thinks that the carpet is lava, haha
When your cat thinks that
the carpet is lava, haha!

Scared cat went inside his UFO (space station for cats) Our planet is too hostile for him
Scared cat runs inside his UFO,
the street is too dangerous!

When the cat misses the bird but pretends it was all part of the plan, haha!
When the cat misses the bird
his reaction is hilarious!

I was trying to medidate with my Siamese cat but... Peace was never an option!!!
Woman tries to meditate
but for her Siamese cat
Peace was never an option!

Cute tiny kitten going to cat school and today is her 1st day 😍
Cute tiny kitten going
to cat school and
today is her 1st day💗

Hilarious! The way that orange cat turned in just one snaps into a an Armadillo! Kitten is confused (?)
Orange cat turned in just one
snaps into a an Armadillo!

Maine Coon vs house cat? Wow, the comparison in size is stunning!!!
Maine Coon vs. house cat? Wow,
the size comparison
is stunning!

Back when our 'Baby Duck' was first finding her balance 🥲
Cute kitten without front legs
tries to first finding her balance

When your cat forgot how to cat (total Burnout)
Sleepy cat vs. jumping Hamster

Hilarious & brave mini black Panther attacks repetitively lion cub!
Crazy black kitten attacks
repetitively a LiON cub!

Funny Cat GIF • Famous "Coffee the cat" is going to play guitar and sing a little song: "♫ ♪ There no foood in my booowl, feeed me pleaaase! ♪ ♫ "
Gorgeous cat playing guitar

Funny Cat GIF • Crazy cat wildly bunny kicking a French baguette But at the end he loves it! []
Cat wildly bunny kicking
💔 a French baguette 🥖

Funny Cat GIF • White kitten and black cat kneading BooBs in sync
First they made biscuits, but
now they're making bOObs!
►  7 GIFs!

Cute Kitten GIF • Blue kitty lying on her back gently playing with human fingers. So sweet baby []
Aww 💙 A cute blue 💙
kitten being cute

August 28 • Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (2)
🌈  August 28 🌈
  'Rainbow Bridge' 
'Remembrance Day'
for our beloved 💕 cats.
We miss them so much 😢

'Minette' the ViBiNG CAT
(Famous CAT MEME !)

Funny Cat GIF • Electrician cat is the master, he checks the apprentice's work []
Purrfessional electriCATian
knows how to fix
electrical problems 👍

Cute Kitten GIF • When a smart and funny kitten becomes a pawsonal trainer 😸 []
When kitty becomes
a pawsonal trainer 😸

Cute Cat GIF • Affectionate cat in love with his human: “Hold me closer, hold me tighter, Mom.” []
Affectionate cat: “Hold me
closer, Mom.” 😻 + 😍

Cute Kitten GIF • OK cat lovers, I can make a copy of this cute kitten for you. How many do you want?” []
Man can make copies
of cute kittens!

Amazing  Kitten GIF • Smart, brave, agile and fearless Kitten climbs pole and jumps on trampoline!! []
Wow! Smart, brave, agile
and fearless Kitten!!! 👏

Amazing Cat GIF • OMG, Big fluffy cat proves he is liquid! Purrfect Hide and seek []
OMG! Big cat proves
she is liquid! 💧

Cute Cat GIF • Desperate kitty lost his phone: where is my My purrrecious? []
Desperate kitty lost his
phone: “Meoooow, where

Funny Cat GIF • Miri, MARU & Hana (funny & cute cat family) hanging out  in their amazon boxes []
Miri, MARU & Hana: funny
cat family, hanging out
in their catmazon boxes

Amazing Cat GIF • Cool interspecies friendship! Cat riding a big rooster (best friends) []
Amazing! Cat riding a
big rooster (best friends)

Amazing Cat GIF • Check out an amazing and beautiful cat breed : the COW CAT with black and white markings! []
Amazing & beautiful cat
breed: the COW 🐄 CAT!

Hilarious Cat GIF • Crazy cat chasing his own tail between his hind legs! GOTCHA! []
Crazy cat chasing his own
tail between hind legs!

Amazing Cat GIF • Kitty is the best little Helper ever. Talk about teamwork and team spirit []
When your cat is the
best little Helper ever 🥰

OMG, playful & clumsy cat knocks down granpa!
Playful & clumsy cat
knocks down GRANPA! 😱

Creepy Cat GIF • “Falling cats always land on their paws they said...” Ok fot that one []
“Cats always land on their
feet” 🐈 they say...

Cute Cat GIF • Mama cat loves her many guinea piglets []
Aww... Mama cat loves her
many guinea piglets 💗

Hilarious Cat GIF • Siamese cat:  'Look what you've done with my inflatable  mattress, human! For this prank you die in your sleep!' []
“Human, look what you've
done with MY beautiful air
mattress! I feel ridiculous

Funny Cat GIF • Meanwhile in Turkey a cat gang took over a car []
When a cat gang takes
over your new car! 😲

Crazy Cat GIF • Ninja cat jumps on ceiling fan! Wait for it. 'Weeeeeee! I'm tarzan cat! []
OMG! 😮 Crazy Ninja cat
jumps on ceiling fan!

Crazy Cat GIF • Meet 'Charcoal' the most eccentric cat who really does enjoy being buried in the sand at the beach! []
Crazy cat enjoys
being buried in the
sand at the beach!

Cute Cat GIF • Mama cat: “Look humans, I'm the one who made this cute meowtain of blue furballs” []
Proud Mom & her cute
meowtain of blue furballs

Funny Cat GIF • Cats watch your every move, even when you're driving your car []
Cats watch 👀 your every
move, even when you're
driving your car! 🚗

Funny Cat GIF • Look at that face. His name is Fedor and  his eyes are really like that []
Amazing cat face with
eyes like in a CARTOON!

Amazing Cat GIF • Well done, good job! I hope your cat got a fair pay for his purrfessional work []
Helpful kitty passes a
cable under the terrace 👍

Amazing Cat GIF • Venus the two faced cat is the catwalk queen, so pretty kitty.
'Venus' The famous two
faced cat! 🖤+💛

Hilarious Cat GIF • A crab, a cat and an iguana! Wow that’s a lot of dramatic reactions! []
A crab, a cat and an
iguana: that’s a lot
of dramatic reactions!

Crazy Cat GIF • OMG! 4 cats ride alongside motorcyclist down main street
Incredible 4 cats! 
They see us rollin'
they hatin'...

Cinemagraph • Funny Siamese cat is a real Butt Wiggle Master. YEAH, THAT'S HOT and... SEXY! []

Amazing Cat GIF • Gorgeous cat slowly catwalking in snow (slow motion)
MA-JES-TIC cat walking
in snow! 💖 Absolutely
gorgeous fur pattern!

Amazing Kitten GIF • Impurrsible 'Hotdog Mission'? Nope, because that black kitty is an amazing acrobat! []
Impurrsible 'Hotdog Mission'?
Nope, black kitty = acrobat!
He won! 👍 👍 👍

Crazy Cat GIF • Ceiling cat is the NEW security camera cat! So talented cat, able to make bread through the ceiling!”[]
OMG! Crazy ceiling cat kneading
kneading in mid-air & meowing

Super fast and GLUTTONOUS duck steals cat food but kitty is very polite and stays calm
Hilarious situation.
Super fast gluttonous
duck steals cat food!

Funny Kitten GIF • When your innocent Kitty tries to catch the red dot all over your body even on your but, haha!
Kitty catching the Red Dot
everywhere and anywhere!

Funny Cat GIF • Nooo Kitty you tickle my belly button with your cold nose! []
“You tickle my belly button
with your cold nose!”

Cute cat GIF • affectionate kitty cuddling man crying. Don't cry Dad I love ♥ you... []
“Don't cry Dad, she left you
but I'm still here with
you and I love you 💞”

Amazing Cat GIF • Pawesome! Cats have a precise method of walking called ‘direct registering’ []
Pawesome!!! 🐾🐾  Cats
have a precise method
of walking called:
'Direct registering’ 👏

Cute Cat GIF • Cool cat napping in his small box hugging Minnie his new girlfriend
Super funny & cute cat
Nap time with 'Minnie'

Crazy cat GIF • Fast and furious low cost crazy kid (girl) driving a small car hitting a poor kitten
Hilarious crash. Fast and
purrious (low cost) version

Hilarious Kitten GIF • Haha that's how you dance in the club, CATturday night fever ♫ ♪"
Awwdorable dancing kitty

Amazing Cat GIF • Strong Cliffhanger cat defies the laws of gravity. Nothing can stop him []
Amazing Cliffhanger cat
defies the laws of gravity!

Funny Kitten GIF • Kitten found a new game with his big tail, hahaha! “Endless game, cheap and save toy []
Kitty found a new game
with his BiG tail! 😂

Amazing Cat GIF • Funny Siamese cat. Sneak attack on quiet cat. A purrfect slide move
Ninja cat: sneaky move!

Cute Kitten GIF • Super cute kitty meowing in her basket. She needs her mom or she's hungry []
Super super cute Kitten
Adorable tiny Meooow

Amazing Cat GIF • When your Cat trusts you to catch her as she falls straight back into you hands"
Amazing & cute adopted cat
trusts human to catch her

Amazing Cat GIF • Fearless Cat gets a scooter ride like a kid. They see me rollin' they hatin.
OMG! Fearless scooter cat!

Crazy Cat GIF • Unexpected panic and a chain reaction leads to epic chaos cats running like crazy! []
Dramatic cats! 💢
Panic and epic chaos!

Funny Cat GIF • Crazy cat kneading hard boobs. He wants some milk. His human is laughing!
Crazy cat making... bOObs

Funny Cat GIF • Cat with with a McDonald's paper bag MASK 👀 “For this you will die in your sleep, bad human.”
Hilarious cat reaction about
McDonald's paper bag mask

Funny Cat GIF with caption • Vibing challenge. Cat vs. rabbit expectation and reality! Jerk cat slaps girl!
Vibing challenge
Rabbit 🐰 vs. cat 😺
Expectation and reality!

Art Cat GIF • Cinemagraph • Still cat doesn't give a single f*ck to sexy dancing girl, haha! []
Sexy twerking girl 🔥
but(t) still cat doesn't
give a single fuck! 🤣

e Kitten GIF • Aww! Cutest Halloween kitty ever. Adorable British shorthair kitten wearing a witch hat
Cutest Halloween
witch kitty ever 💖

Amazing Cat GIF • Rare interspecies behavior • Adorable maternal instinct • Mama Cat becomes wet-nurse to 8 baby hedgehogs!
Amazing Mama cat
with her 8 baby hedgehogs

Scary Cat GIF • OMG, that face, those eyes! Majestic Bengal cat is angry because he hates pranks!
Angry cat: “Don't mess with
me, I hate your f*cking mask!”

Funny Kitten GIF • Epic fight. BOOM! Right hook and Kitty takes down his sister. Cute knock down (Poor baby)
Snuzzy kittens: knock down!

Amazing Cat GIF • Cat and Kangaroo can be best friends. Let me scratch your head kitty, I know you like it.
Amazing cat & kangaroo

Amazing Cat GIF • Funny cat gets mail everyday. “GOTCHA, mine!”
Clever cat helps his humans

Amazing Cat GIF • Heroic and clever cat protects little boy from the hot stove
Heroic cat protects kid!

Funny cat GIF • Halloween time. Maru o' lantern. Funny Maru has his comfy pumpkin box. Fav bed
Maru o' Lantern • He has
his Halloween pumpkin box

Amazing Cat GIF • "Squirrel cat" with huge fluffy tail is hungry, standing up begging for food. “Please Mom feed me...”
Amazing cat with
a SQUiRREL tail!

Funny Cat GIF • Crazy Siamese Kitty in the kitten playroom doing donuts haha Kitty gone wild
Crazy Siamese kitten
doing crazy donuts!

Funny Cat GIF • Cat mezmerized by his human Mom because she caught and ate his red dot! []
Funny cat reaction 👀
Human managed to catch
the RED 🔴 DOT & ate it!

Cute Cat GIF • The most affectionate cat you will ever see shows his love for dad. “What a sweetheart.”
Affectionate cat:
“I love 💕 you Dad.”

Funny Cat GIF • Possesive cat doesn't want to share snacks with his human. “Mine... all mine!”
Possessive cat!
Mine, ALL mine!

Funny Cat GIF • 'Smoothie' the fluffiest MeerCAT ever with beautiful green eyes
Beautiful 'MeerCat'
She senses danger...

Funny Cat GIF • Clever and lazy cat playing with fidget spinner with his tail, haha
Playful cat, 'Lazy mode' activated

Amazing Cat GIF • In-cre-di-ble! The fastest cat in the Wolrd driving a Formula One car!!!
Vroooom! Vroooom! Amazing
Formula one cat!

Hilarious Cat GIF • Big Ninja Cat strikes again jumping over bro, flying like a rocket
Suddenly a Ninja cat
flies over Bro!

Funny Cat GIF • Super cute  kitty chilling out in his fav bowl. “If it fits, I sits”
Super cute kitty with
a cute Xmas tree nose

Funny Kitten GIF • Happy kitty eating and kneading at the same time.
3 in one! Happy kitten.
Eating, purring & kneading
at the same time 😸

Hilarious cat GIF • Clumsy jumps in aquarium: SPLASH! Huge mistake & fastest bath ever!
Hilarious cat FAiL.
SPLASH! Huge mistake...

Funny Cat GIF • Blue cat licking his huge tail in a funny way. Yes I am sexy and I know it []
'Viagra' the cat licking his
HUGE tail in a sexy way 👀

Crazy Kitten GIF • OMG what a fearless Kitty ! "Wait, don't worry I believe I can fly."
Creepy cat!
I believe I can fly...

Funny Cat GIF • Cat licking a finger is suddenly surprised. “Wait, what is that weird noise?”
Beautiful surprised cat.
“WHAT did you say?”

Funny Cat GIF • Bae gone wild • White CAT startled by steam iron. Hilarious cat-like reflexes
Startled cat, haha!
(cat: Mom is MAD!)

Amazing Cat GIF • OMG! Jesus's cat running on water or cat possessed by Naruto?
PAWsome cat
running on water!
Oh my Jesus!

Sexy Cat GIF • Cinemagraph • Siamese cat totally fascinated by woman shaking her big boobs []
Siamese cat fascinated by
brunette shaking her big bOObs

Crazy Cat GIF • Weird cat playing with fishes turning them in a basin. “Excuse me, hwat are you doing?”
Weird cat & fish. WTF?

Cute Cat GIF • Amazing ccat and ferret snuggle and cuddle together. Ferret is a purrfect bed and pillow for kitties.
Amazing & cute
interspecies LOVE 💕

Christmas cat GIF • Funny 'Goalkitty', to get you in the holiday spirit. She gives such lovely Internet hugs
'Goalkitty' has the Xmas
and holiday spirit 🎄
More Xmas cat GIFs

Cute Cat GIF • CUTEST 💕 Santa cat and Elf cat ready to deliver Xmas presents for (good) kittens
CUTEST 💕 Santa cat and
Elf cat ready to deliver
Xmas presents 😻
More Santa Cats

Cat GIF with caption • DESTRUCTION! 4 crazy Cats destroying Xmas trees because Santa cat has done his job and Xmas is over
Crazy Xmas cats!
Tree Destructiiiooonnn!

Hilarious Cat GIF • Weird cat sleeping on couch dreaming trembling jumping and sleeping again OMG!
Crazy cat! cat.exe
has stopped working, so...

   If you are looking for a, some, any PARTiCULAR cat image you will find it/them via our #hashtag list with 1,125 entries 👀 ALPHAbetically sorted.